Category: Science, Technology

Tesla and the Electric Car

There are other electric cars, to be sure, but do any of them evoke the same excitement and enthusiasm as a Tesla vehicle? I’ve been...

Anyone With a Mobile Device Will Have Healthcare.

What do you get when you dare the world to create a real life Tricorder and offer $10M dollars to the winning team? The Qualcomm Tricorder...

Dean Kamen uses Slingshot to Defeat the Goliath Water Problem

What if you could create a device, the size of a mini-fridge, that could produce 1000 litres of pure drinking water a day from any source...

Jason Silva Believes “We Have a Responsibility to Awe”

Every now and then, I become aware of a person who so perfectly expresses my vision, that I am forced to abandon my direction in search of...

What can 70 Million People Change?

A few weeks ago, I was hurrying downtown on my way to catch a movie when a stranger standing on the street corner called out to me....

Justin Rosenstein Wants You to Do Great Things

In the fall of 2011, a task management application called Asana was launched. Last year, in a talk at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, programmer...

The Venus Project for a Sustainable Future

Jacques Fresco, futurist and engineer, has combine his skills and passion to create what he sees as a potential future for humankind. Since...

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