Category: Education

You Can Learn Anything at Khan Academy

As of today, Khan Academy boasts nearly 54 million “learners” on their website,, and not for nothing. When...

Simon Sinek Says Start With Why

According to Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why, inspirational leadership begins with a shift in perspective. By replacing what with why...

Ancient Greek Quotes on Education

Being quite fond of quotes, I thought it fun to put together some of my favourite quotes from ancient Greece about education. It’s...

Becoming a Tau’ist is as Easy as Two Pi

One of the best ways of understanding anything is to compare it to something that you already know. It’s easier to learn French if...

Make Education More Good with

Ready to flip the script on education? Salman Khan is. Imagine transforming education using what kids already have and love? Video is an...

5 Life Lessons to be Learned from Video Games

Life can be tedious and difficult, we all know that. Just when you think you might have a handle on it a curve ball gets thrown at you, or...

Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman

Gaining a new perspective on the Universe has never been more fun. Hosted and Narrated by the mellifluous Morgan Freeman, Through The...

Don’t Run Through Life, Dance!

Life is a journey, not a destination. Ralph Waldo Emerson How often have I heard that? Too many times to count. It’s one of those...

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