Montreal Music Duo Dark Light Gets Interviewed

Montreal Music Duo Dark Light Gets Interviewed

One of the many great things about living in the digital age is that we have a huge amount of music we can listen to. Being able to produce their own music and expose themselves to the world, indie music artists are finding it easier to share their talents with others. This has giving us the opportunity to be exposed to much more than we have in the past, and it is thrilling to see new music producers flex their creative muscles for our benefit.

Dark Light is one such indie group that I’ve had the pleasure of following from (close enough) to the beginning of their career. I’ve see them go from “pretty good” to “awesome”, so much so that you can regularly find me bobbing down the street with their music blasting through my earbuds.

What I love most about M-Angel and Ovela, the awesome Dark Light pair, is that they don’t restrict themselves to one genre. At any given moment you might be listening to dubstep mixed with rap, or 90’s pop themes with African beats. This makes it fun to listen to anything new they put out because you’ll always be hearing something you like with something you might never have known you could like. There’s just enough of the known to make you bounce to the beat, and just enough of the unknown to make the familiar feel new.

Which is why I’m very happy that they decided to grant us our first interview for our show The Appreciationist. Peter Hartman had the chance to sit down with them to talk about how they started, what they’re doing, and where they are going. They offer a great example of what it is to follow your dreams. I hope you’ll enjoy their practical, down-to-earth advice as much as I did. Enjoy!


Co-organizer for the Happy for a Change Meetup group and web professional extraordinaire, Tom Hartman is a mixed bag of talents. Programmer, designer, trainer, speaker and writer he's a jack of all trades wishing to contribute however he can.

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