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Kelly McGonigal has a Confession to Make

“My confession is this: I am a health psychologist, and my mission is to help people be happier and healthier. But I fear that...

Dean Kamen uses Slingshot to Defeat the Goliath Water Problem

What if you could create a device, the size of a mini-fridge, that could produce 1000 litres of pure drinking water a day from any source...

Jason Silva Believes “We Have a Responsibility to Awe”

Every now and then, I become aware of a person who so perfectly expresses my vision, that I am forced to abandon my direction in search of...

What can 70 Million People Change?

A few weeks ago, I was hurrying downtown on my way to catch a movie when a stranger standing on the street corner called out to me....

Justin Rosenstein Wants You to Do Great Things

In the fall of 2011, a task management application called Asana was launched. Last year, in a talk at the Wisdom 2.0 Conference, programmer...

Simon Sinek Says Start With Why

According to Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why, inspirational leadership begins with a shift in perspective. By replacing what with why...

In Montreal? Check Out Our Meetup Group!

If you’re in the Montreal area, consider joining our Happy For A Change Meetup group. Come and meet others interested in improving...

The Venus Project for a Sustainable Future

Jacques Fresco, futurist and engineer, has combine his skills and passion to create what he sees as a potential future for humankind. Since...

Make Education More Good with

Ready to flip the script on education? Salman Khan is. Imagine transforming education using what kids already have and love? Video is an...

Paul Stamets says “engaging mycelium can help save the world.”

Can mushrooms change the world? Paul Stamets thinks so. A mycologist living in Olympia, Washington, Paul believes that the mycelium...

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